Babe are sick of sitting on the side-lines of your life? You feel so ready to "start showing up" but fear, exhaustion and overwhelm just keeps you stuck?


Maybe you have felt like you have lost your spark lately, like you can't quit put your finger on it but you just don't feel like YOU?


You know in your heart that there is so much more to life but no matter how hard you try you keep making everything and everyone else a priority. You can't stop the overwhelm but don't feel like you have the time or support to do something JUST FOR YOU.


Don't panic I don't have a camera in your house I just know after working with hundreds and hundreds of women I see the patterns clearly.


I keep seeing women  TRYING so bloody hard to better the lives for themselves and their families but NOTHING is actually creating LONG TERM change. 


Which is WHY I created The Heart is the Bar.  


   This is an online space for us to spend Three months together for you to deep dive into many layers of Personal Development and really understand HOW to create long lasting change and loving relationships. (aka, blow your life up in the best possible way)


We begin Monday

February the 10th


Babe are sick of sitting on the side-lines of your life? You feel so ready to "start showing up" but fear, exhaustion and overwhelm just keeps you stuck?


Maybe you have felt like you have lost your spark lately, you can't quit put your finger on it but you just don't feel like YOU?


You know in your heart that there is so much more to life but no matter how hard you try you keep making everything and everyone else a priority. You can't stop the overwhelm but don't feel like you have the time or support to do something JUST FOR YOU.


Don't panic I don't have a camera in your house I just know after working with hundreds and hundreds of women I see the patterns clearly.


I keep seeing women  TRYING so bloody hard to better the lives for themselves and their families but NOTHING is actually creating LONG TERM change. 


Which is WHY I created The Heart is the Bar.  


   This is an online space for us to spend Three months together for you to deep dive into many layers of Personal Development and really understand HOW to create long lasting change and loving relationships. (aka, blow your life up in the best possible way)


We begin Monday

February the 10th

I'M IN!!

Outside of what we have being told you are not meant to do this alone, life I mean. You are not meant to have all the answers or be able to see things clearly all the time. As vulnerable as that meal "not having all the answers" it's the truth.


Babe your ego WILL NOT allow you to see your blind spots but in these 12 weeks you will see them clear as day and what a gift to yourself that will be.


Teaching Women HOW to bring the bar to their hearts and how to make that feel SAFE is my life's work and  I did not get here on my own.

I have invested over 100k to create this life and now I teach women all over the world how to lovingly kick their own butts and CHOOSE themselves, guilt free.

Each week I want you to feel like you can REALLY breathe again, creating ALLLLLLL the space from the inside out.

You know that feeling when you are at yoga and they tell you to “take the forward bend” hinging from your hips and your hands and head find there way to the floor and after hanging there for a few minutes you come back up and you have ALLLLLL this space between your head and your heart again and you REMEMBER.

That’s what this 12 weeks is, weekly action back into "the remembering”.

I want in


  • Mums who are sick of feeling exhausted, angry and resentful and want vitality and energy back in their life and body again.
  • Women who are sick of letting the FEAR WIN.
  • Women who are looking for support, accountability and a loving butt kicking.
  • For the woman who just isn't feeling themselves right now.
  • For the woman that is DONE with living life on the "all or nothing" roller coaster!!
  • For the woman who is ready to go DEEEPPPPP into the ego work, blocks and self-sabotage.
  • For the woman that is ready to be the PARENT that she needed growing up.
  • For the woman that wants to STOP THINKING about what everyone else will say.

The Heart is the Bar isn't a "dip your toe in" course. The work we do is direct and it is deep and I hold nothing back in how I call you forward.


Because that's what a great coach does. I will NEVER ask you to do something that I have not already done. I am not a "do as I say" woman, I am a "do as I do" and I live inside my integrity of that.

That's what I call embodiment and I have worked my arse of to be here and you will to.

 Get frikin excited babe!!!!


In these 12 weeks we will cover in Depth.

Priorities - what they look like, why they are vital and how you create confidence to choose yourself in them. (Not guilty)

Boundaries - how to create them and keep them in place without feeling like you are doing something wrong.

Masculine and Feminine Energy - again what it actually means and how to create both healthily through understanding your solid River Banks.

Relationships - how choose yourself first, stop avoiding important conversation's and communicate hard things without shutting down, crying or blowing up. Bring more joy and play in again.

Nervous System Regulation-  How to get from your heads to your heart and feel safe in your body when you want to dissociate. Somatic body work.

Ego/Shadow work - seeing your blind spots and meeting them with love not judgment.

Reparenting - what it means, why its important and how to actually do it. (THIS IS LIFECHANGING, THIS BIT HERE)

Your menstrual Cycle - and how it can actually work with you. (This is a game changer for your energy levels)

Adult Communication - Transaction Analysis (A fancy word for I'm ok - You're ok.) This is by far my FAV thing to teach.

Self Love - the relationship between your body and yourself and how it effects all areas of your life.

Parenting - Tangible skills and learnings to be able to keep your own vinegar down so you can co-regulate with your kids when theirs is exploding. (Parenting and Relationships is the golden thread through these whole 12 weeks)

And there is so much more, I have been in this work 19 years and I gate keep nothing. I give you it all in a way you can actually change your life.

This is what I need

In these 12 weeks you will walk away with a very clear understanding of WHY you are feeling and doing life like you are and a step by step MAP of HOW you will change it week by week.


You will be so clear on what it means to "Reparent" your Little girl and "Mentor" your Rebellious Teenager. The ego is always trying to keep us safe and I am going to show you a whole other way that will blow your mind. (My clients words not mine)


12 Weeks of committing and re-committing (yep re- committing because we don't give up when we drop the ball we just re-commit again and agina) to the things that you KNOW you want but struggle to even remember some days because you are human and life is full.


 All calls will be recorded and emailed out to on the same day you if you're unable to make it live.

I believe it is way too easy to jump on a call and hear the things and then do nothing about it.

When we learn and don’t take action it makes us feel like we are going crazy, we will have both ACTION AND INTEGRATION over and over again. 

The "doing" and the "being".

I'm in

So why join?. 


Because your soul is so exhausted from TRYING so hard and still feeling like nothing is working. This works and you deserve to feel happy and well babe.

Also surrounding yourself with other women who want to see you win is lifechanging, so is knowing that you are not alone.

Inside every woman is a little girl who wants to be nurtured, loved and have time spent with her and a teenager who needs to be seen, taught cool things and understood. As an adult woman it is your responsibility to be that for them.

If you want to have a different experience of yourself that feels more loving and alive, then you need to create a different experience for them first.

Your little girl needs you to be her mumma, your teenager needs you to be her mentor and when you really learn to do that and meet their needs they will know you are solid and the whole way of your being will come alive with energy and love.

Your life is up to you, nobody else can create it for you which is why I created this.

You bring the bar to your heart over and over again reminding yourself that the mess is the magic a done is better than perfect. 

This is a space to get uncomfortably honest with yourself. I don’t mince my words BUT my god do I say them with LOVE.


What’s Included

  • 12 weekly zoom calls 9am -10.30am (That is 18 hours of me in your ear holes, so good)
  • A private Instagram group to stay connected and accountable for been of your word to yourself. 
  • A downloadable pdf workbook that is more like a storybook and is written is a way that is simple to understand and makes so much god dam sense.
  • Special discount packages to work with me One on One. (This is only offered to the women in The Heart is the Bar)
Join us, babe


I have always had this deep KNOWING that EVERYTHING is possible and that you can have it all. And not like have “everything” as such but have everything that feels true and important to you and I believe it with my whole heart.


I live and breathe Personal Development and put my whole heart and soul into this work.


I didn't get here because things worked out for me. I got here because 19 years ago my life was spiralling out of control and my mental health was at an all-time low and I fought tooth and nail to change my life.


Don't be afraid to fight in the most loving of ways.


The next round begins Monday February the 10th, doors are closing SATURDAY the 8th.


Love Jarna xx


I have always had this deep KNOWING that EVERYTHING is possible and that you can have it all. And not like have “everything” as such but have everything that feels true and important to you and I believe it with my whole heart.


I live and breathe Personal Development and put my whole heart and soul into this work.


I didn't get here because things worked out for me. I got here because 19 years ago my life was spiralling out of control and my mental health was at an all-time low and I fought tooth and nail to change my life.


Don't be afraid to fight in the most loving of ways.


The next round begins Monday February the 10th, doors are closing SATURDAY the 8th.


Love Jarna xx